How To Practice Meditation

Meditation?!?! Ahhhhh!!!

Trust me, I know the idea of meditation can be intimidating, especially if you are just beginning. When I first started meditating, it was a struggle and almost felt like it was creating more anxiety for me (the complete opposite I wanted to be feeling). It was freaking me out because I thought I needed my mind to “turn off” and all my thoughts to go away. Well, thats not true!! Meditation is the practice of being in the present moment. The only time your mind will turn off is when you’re dead. So here are some helpful tips that helped me separate my mind from my being and found bliss in meditation.

First things first you want to be comfortable. Go grab a meditation pillow, or yoga bolster. Anything that you can sit on and still be comfy. Maybe grab a blanket if you tend to chill easily or feel super exposed without it. Blankets help to keep the body temperature regulated and to help the bodies nervous system feel safe. Grab any candles or essential oils that help you feel calm, or make you feel happy these are great tools to help you feel centered in your environment. Start to think of a mantra or intention for your meditation practice to help you ground your energy deeper within your practice.

Then, you’re going to find a comfortable position (either sitting on your pillow with your legs crossed, or your legs extended out in front of you). Start to find your breath by following your natural breathing rhythm. Maybe start to notice if you feel any sensations, or maybe you’ve been holding your breath in your chest or stomach? Just connect to your breath and allow your focus to be on it. After about 3 minutes of finding your breath, begin to add a breathing technique of your choice. My personal favorite is “box breathing” to really drop into the parasympathetic nervous system and release any stress/anxiety held in the body. It goes like: inhaling 4 seconds expanding the rib cage, holding the air in your chest 4 seconds, long exhales 4-8 seconds drawing your belly button to spine, and holding the air empty in your belly for 4 seconds; repeat this process for 3-5+ minutes. After completing the breathing, notice how you feel now vs when you first sat down.

Now is a good time to bring to mind the mantra or intention you thought of before starting your meditation. For example, “I am present and at peace”, start to incorporate this mantra into your breath/meditation. Taking deep inhales expanding belly and chest and with the exhale saying the mantra out loud or silently in your mind. This will really help with separating your mind and body and allow you to focus on the present moment. your focus will be on the breath and you will start to embody the mantra you have created for yourself. Truly empowering yourself and raising the frequency of your vibration.

After repeating the mantra for 1-3 minutes slowly start to bring the focus back to your breath, releasing the words. Focus on truly relaxing the body. Inhaling filling the belly with air sending the air into your chest expanding the rib cage, and long releasing exhales allowing the body relax and soften. You can even try it now while reading :) Sit here for the remander of your meditation practice 5-30+ minutes. Anytime you notice your mind starting to wander (which will happen because you are a living human being) simply just draw your focus back to your breath and/or your mantra repeating the process each time to help you relax.

Once you are done meditating make sure to close out your practice by thanking yourself for taking the time to slow down and practice being in the present moment. Be grateful for your body, mind, health, and breath all aiding you in being able to practice this mindful meditation.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read, I truly hope these tips help you to deepen your meditation practice or even give you the tools to start one :) Feel free to reach out to me via instagram or email if you want to go further into this practice with me, or have any questions!

